Caviar in Rome

Immerse yourself in the artistry of Black Gold Caviar, where each egg is a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that defines one of the most coveted delicacies in the world. The perfection of shapes, richness of color, and absence of sharp aromas create an impression that transcends the ordinary. Every egg, carefully selected and crafted, reflects our unwavering commitment to high-quality standards.

Crafting this extraordinary delicacy demands complete dedication, boundless patience, and an unwavering attention to the minutest details. Our artisans delicately work to preserve the egg's texture and integrity, ensuring a product that exceeds expectations. The result is caviar that captivates with its lightness, weightlessness, and unparalleled tenderness. Close your eyes, savor the moment, and let the silky nutty aftertaste transport you to a realm of indulgence.






Just as the finest wines begin with the vine, the quality of our caviar starts with the health of the sturgeon and its breeding conditions. At Black Gold Caviar, we exclusively source sturgeon from carefully selected farms that mimic natural conditions. A dedicated team of biologists meticulously monitors nutrient balance at every stage of fish growth, ensuring the health and well-being of our sturgeon.

Our commitment to quality extends to the extraction process, where caviar is obtained through humane slaughter. Salting is a precise art, conducted exclusively in a laboratory that adheres to rigorous international standards. The fusion of time-honored traditions in sturgeon breeding with cutting-edge technologies guarantees the unparalleled quality of our caviar.

Experience the epitome of perfection with Black Gold Caviar – where tradition meets innovation, and each bite is an exquisite journey into the world of unrivaled quality.


What makes Black Gold Caviar unique?

Black Gold Caviar stands out for its meticulous craftsmanship, dedication to ethical practices, and a commitment to delivering caviar of unparalleled quality. The perfection of shapes, richness of color, and absence of sharp aromas contribute to its uniqueness.

How is the caviar extracted, and what is the salting process like?

Our caviar is obtained through humane slaughter, ensuring ethical practices. The salting process takes place exclusively in a laboratory that adheres to rigorous international standards, combining traditional sturgeon breeding practices with the latest technologies.

What sets Black Gold Caviar apart in terms of sourcing sturgeon?

We exclusively source sturgeon from carefully selected farms that replicate natural conditions. A team of biologists monitors nutrient balance at each stage of fish growth, emphasizing our commitment to the health and well-being of the sturgeon.

What are the health benefits of consuming caviar?

Caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious indulgence. It's known to support heart health, enhance skin quality, and provide essential nutrients.

How is caviar served and enjoyed?

Caviar is typically served chilled on a bed of ice to preserve its freshness. It is often enjoyed on its own or paired with blinis, toast points, or crème fraîche to complement its rich and nuanced flavor.


Ana Anghel
Ana Anghel
Really loved the product! Very tasty and soft. Caviar was delivered to my house in no time, great service! Highly recommend it!